Captain America rises from the ashes

captain_america-thumb-400x546 First let me apologize for the infrequent updates over the past few weeks. For those who read this blog, there haven’t been any thanks to finals and work and a hectic schedule, but now things have calmed a bit.

Almost a month ago (May 20 to be exact) my trip to the comic store produced a copy of Captain America #50. Can you believe thanks to my schedule I barely read it this morning? An article from the Associated Press in today’s paper revealed that Marvel is planning to resurrect Captain America beginning July 1st in the five part series “Captain America Reborn.”

I cannot tell you how disappointing it was to hear that Steve Rogers (that’s cap’s alter ego for those who don’t know) was being brought back.

Has it really been two years since we saw him get shot on those court steps during the Civil War? Usually when a major iconic character dies, he doesn’t stay dead for long. It’s an old comic book cliche that nobody truly dies in comics, this is also a familiar trope in other mediums influenced in comic book storytelling style like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

For my money, there are few comic books as good as Captain America has been this past few years, in spite or perhaps because of the death of the main character in ussue #25. Bucky took over Cap’s identity but writer Ed Brubaker has been weaving a magnificent story since issue #1.  It is no exaggeration to say that the character work, the plotting and the artwork on this title has been sensational, which is why I am a bit disheartened by Marvel’s decision to make the predicatable move and to bring back Rogers. Bucky trying to fill Cap’s allegorically massive boots made for some compelling drama, as did his interactions with the other characters in the comic and his learning to deal with the growing pains associated with taking over. Also, his survivor’s guilt resonated with anyone who’s ever lost a mentor and friend.

I give props to Luke Ross, Frank D’Armata and everyone else associated with producing Captain America, it not only feeds on the tradition of the old comics, but it is also a compelling book each month.

The Marvel brass say that giving the general mood of the country, the timing seemed right to resurrect the Captain because there’s a desire for hopefulness. Maybe, I will be curious to see how Rogers makes his return to life, but I doubt it’ll match the intensity of his shocking death, or the drama following his death’s aftermath.

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